
Tag : nivo

The Tragic Love

Almost every one of us has experienced this kind of love. You loved someone but that relationship didn’t work out either because you split or it was unrequited love. The scar this love left on your heart is still aching and you find it hard to forget that person. You should take as much time as you need to move on. Once you feel recovered, start looking for your true love at zealmat.

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Vivamus vel mi lorem. Sed vitae felis nisl, at venenatis tortor. In at velit ac turpis aliquam volutpat. Ut et nibh augue. Integer imperdiet convallis massa nec gravida. Sed eleifend porta urna. Praesent non nisi tellus, ut lobortis massa. Sed pretium pretium elit et vulputate. Quisque nec justo lacus. Phasellus tristique sapien ut dui sagittis feugiat. Pellentesque quis leo vitae magna vulputate ultrices quis vitae justo. Nulla vel imperdiet augue.


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Love, don’t need

If you want to understand whether your relationship with a person is the true love and this relationship can grow into a healthy entity, there is one simple trick. How would you describe your attitude to your partner? Would you say that you love or that you need your partner? If you NEED your partner to feel happy/confident/complete, this is just an emotional dependency. But if you LOVE your significant other, it means you want to share your love with […]

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